Open letter pastors who come out from "Embassy of God"
Dear bishops, pastors, ministers,
brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus Christ!
We are group of clergy - pastors who come out from the religious community "The Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations" (Hereinafter - "Embassy of God").
We appeal to the Ukrainian and international Christian community to show the truth about activities of the senior pastor and founder of the "Embassy of God" - Sunday Adelaja.
The first, we want to say that the first years of his ministry Sunday Adelaja was really faithful and consecrated minister of the gospel. For sixteen years of ministry "Embassy of God" (from 1994 to 2002 - The Church "Word of Faith") Sunday Adelaja and members of the church have made a huge contribution to the spiritual and educational, rehabilitation and social work in the Ukraine and many other countries. And today, many of the wonderful pastors and ministers in "Embassy of God" are continuing to serve for the spiritual revival in Ukraine.
However, with great pain, we want to note that in recent many actions of senior pastor "Embassy of God" Sunday Adelaja ceased to meet to the Holy Scriptures and laws of Ukraine, namely:
1. Sunday Adelaja really in his teachings and actions made the atmosphere in the church "Embassy of God", which helps to create financial structures - the pyramid (The "King's Capital", The Leone Bank, The "Grant", the structure created by Janna Kissel, etc.), as a result of their activity several thousand of people were affected, significant number of people are threatened loss of their own homes, also they are in a very difficult spiritual, moral, psychological and financial situations. We have several suicides among affected investors. Sunday Adelaja, when he had great credibility members of the "Embassy of God", repeatedly used the church to promote the “King's Capital”, gave personal guarantees for its reliability and integrity, has been personally called from the scene to the members of church to mortgage on their apartment and bring own money to the "King's Capital". Heaving actual information about the "King's Capital" (the company was already financially unable to pay interest on deposits) not warn people about it, and continued to advertise this company in the central ministry of the church. Today he officially states that: "... Not related either to create, or to work, or to management, or to finance the company ”King's Capital”, that is an outright lie. As a result, Sunday Adelaja accused of fraud in especially large amounts (part 4 of article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
2. Today Sunday Adelaja protects only own reputation, but not the interests of affected investors - members of the "Embassy of God" (opposite, the affected people were accused of the greed) which completely opposite pattern Biblical shepherd (Ezekiel 34:2-4, John 10:11-12, 1 Peter 5:2-3).
3. Sunday Adelaja has led to excessive politicization of the church "Embassy of God" and use members as a resource to support certain political groups. Thus, Sunday Adelaja in the church ministry and in the media appeals to some famous politicians, that they protect him, also he said that the criminal case against him will soon be closed, because he has agreement with the authorities of Ukraine.
4. Sunday Adelaja created a myth of political persecution against his person, uses the manipulation and distortion of information in the media to self-justification and raised his rating in the eyes of the international community.
5. As a head of the church Sunday Adelaja allowed to create a cult of his personality, uses methods of hard authoritarianism, manipulation and intimidation of the ministers who disagree with his policies. Apostolic and Spiritual Council the church "Embassy of God" have only formal character, because in most cases he (Sunday Adelaja) makes decisions himself personally, and suppresses all dissent.
6. Sunday Adelaja completely does not count with the opinion his co-celebrant and also ministers of other churches. Other clerics in Ukraine have repeatedly drawn the attention of Sunday about his mistakes (especially in teaching about finances), but it was ignored by him. As a result, in 29 December 2008 the heads of Christian Evangelical Churches of Ukraine was made an official statement. They strongly condemned the activities of Sunday Adelaja and called to the Christian world to reject him. The answer of the Spiritual council "Embassy of God" for this statement (posted on the site "Embassy of God") does not actually signed all those pastors whose names are on it.
7. Since beginning church "Embassy of God" and now pastor Sunday continue to collect donations for the build The Ukrainian spiritual and cultural center. To apply this method using spiritual and psychological pressure and coercion, also the churches and members encourage giving donations of large amounts to build this Center (sometimes even several hundred thousand dollars from one person). But in this day the building of the Centre has not start, members of the Apostolic and Spiritual Council "Embassy of God" have no information about amount of money and location of the collected funds for all these years, because financial management "Embassy of God" manage only Sunday Adelaja - alone.
This activity Sunday Adelaja discredited church "Embassy of God" and all evangelical community before Ukrainian authorities and local public. Today, many churches and individual ministers have already come out from the "Embassy of God", other deeply disappointed in this situation and they are in the way to came out from the "Embassy of God".
We, as pastors, not removing themselves from liability, deep regret and sincere repent for all that occurred in the "Embassy of God". We ask all brothers and sisters from the Christian churches of Ukraine and the whole world to pray for people affected by the activities of “King's Capital” and other financial institutions and also pray for the spiritual healing members of the" Embassy of God "and also pray for the worthy fruit of repentance by Sunday Adelaja.
Statements signed by:
These are the signatures pastors who come out from the religious community «Embassy of God» and make an official statement on the activities of the Senior Pastor Sunday Adelaja as such, as does not correspond to the Scriptures and laws of Ukraine
Surname, name and patronymic Sphere of responsibility in «Embassy of God» Signature Date
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Где факты? Кто эти "пастора,покинувшие Посольство Божье"? Где их подписи,все данные,адреса и имена?
2010-03-27 08:09:26
Саня аве Лажа не может быть плутом!
НЕ МОЖЕТ! потому что много имён и фамилий заменили им Бога!
2010-03-28 04:51:29
На Сандейке и так пробы ставить негде, к чему "все данные, адреса и имена"?
2010-03-29 09:15:28
I'm a member of the Embassy of God church and I know about Pavel Fedorov. He left our church and now I don't even recognize him. It's like he is doing some kind of revenge by spreading false information. We all know that there is only one accuser of the brethren in the Bible - satan and those who become used of him. Now Pavel Fedorov has begun to accuse Pastor Sunday. I pray that Pavel Fedorov will repent and find his way back to God's love again. Комментарий автора: Dear, David! I dare say that you are not on the man in the internal affairs of the church. I know that you Pastor Sunday is used to communicate with English-speaking audience. And I know you only visually, so do not dare say anything about me. Unlike you, I was an assistant to the bishop, and I know whereof I speak.
2010-03-29 10:27:04
Hi! I am a member of the Embassy of God church since 1996, so I know Pastor Sunday and can tell you that none of all these accusations have any sense. I also remember Pavel Fedorov since 1996, that time he was not a pastor, but young guy who testified that God delivered him from years of hard alcohol addiction in Embassy of God church (that time our church was called Word of faith). You know, our senior Pastor – Sunday Adelaja – has fantastic ability to raise people, so during the last 14 years I saw Pavel Fedorov growing from a lost alcoholic to respected pastor. Now something happened to him, I do not recognize Pastor Pavel at all, he left the church and speaks false accusations about Pastor Sunday. I feel very sorry for Pavel Fedorov, I pray that God touch his heart so he will repent. Комментарий автора: I do not know who you are, Svetlana. Clearly what we are unfamiliar close enough. Because you have no right to talk about me. But I have the right to talk about Pastor Sunday, as I was not just a member of the church. I was an assistant to the bishop, and a sense of duty I must warn people how dangerous this man for them.
Taras Mekeda
2010-04-10 22:03:49
Pasha !!!!!!! You are a hero !!! Don't give up !!! Let "men worshipers" confornt you !!! Jesus is with you !!!
I was at the Summer Fast conference where pastor Sunday called all pastors to the front and asked why they are not millionaires yeat like him ?? Also they were dealing with the matters of the real estate right at the conference !!! How much land they should buy and so on... Pastor Sunday claimed himself as one of 10 preachers in the world and said that Joyce Mayer is "a kitchen stories preacher"... the paradox is that Joyce Mayer knows the Bible much better then pastor Sunday !!! Pastor Sunday wrote me once that "god's embassy" is a church of freedom ... But the opposite is true !!! Last time he preached that those who left are slaves and fallen branches !!! It contradicts what he told me !!!
Pasha !!! I'm with you !!! Telling all pastors in Canada who pastor Sunday really is !!! They are all deceived by p.Sunday showen crowds of ignorant ukrainians !!! Then I'm going to Africa as a missionary in September !!! And the truth will be revealed even there !!!
I want to say to all "sandamaniacs" and "men worshipers" !!! Please !!! fear the Lord !!! think about pople who were deceived by the religious spirit and lost appartments, think about tears of many people today !!! YOU GUYS DON"T HAVE ANY CONSCIENSE BY DEFFENDING p.Sunday !!! It shows your man pleassing attitude and biblical ignorance !!!
Pasha God and I are with you !!! Keep holding on !!! bondservant of Most High Taras Mekeda
Violetta Pfeiffer
2010-04-11 01:08:04
Hallo my Name is Violetta . I used to be a member of the embassy of God for 4 years.... I came to Ukraine from Germany because of P. Sunday.... I studied Russian because of him and for the chance to be in his church. After one year I went back to Germany and helped to build the embassy of God there in many ways.... What I want to say is that no one is perfect.... But for years I said always that P. Sunday is my hero..... I looked up to him a lot.... I never thought that there would be chances that he could be wrong.... every word I took out of his mouth as God himself was speaking it..... I know many people are today like me, but it is not good...because we are not honest we make compromises and we do not think for our self anymore. I saw a lot of manipulation in Church, but when a drama happened it was no one fault. Nobody wanted to take the responsibility to what happened. To stand up for the truth is not easy.... I tried it in Germany.... but every think was covered, people covered the Sin of the Pastor and repented 2 hours latter that they did not say the truth.... I think Paul Fedarov you do a good think you stand up, I did and my live changed. I’m free today from religion of Embassy of God teaching. The think is that there is a rule in the Embassy: Are you for us our against us? No other option.... They think by covering the wrong things they express their love... But I love P. Sunday and everybody in the Church but I do not agree with a lot of things.... that why I went out. I saw a lot of wrong things in the embassy of God, I called P. Sunday and told him I thought he does not know, but after telling him and seeing he did not do any think about it, I saw he knows all the things and he covers it all, it means he agrees...that broke my heart,.....I just think that to get results, to have the glory from other people became the main point in the Embassy of God, nobody is focusing on Jesus... if I look at the teaching mostly Jesus is not even mentioned.... this is so sad.... Please my beloved brother and Sisters stop, start to think what you are teaching others, what has to be changed, if you cover things..... Things never get better.... just if things are open and revealed, they can be changed.... I do not need this all I move on... but I fill sorry for so many people that get hurt and are broken... but nobody cares for them..... but if we do not care about people today what happen to them, and we just cover everything, and try to do all to be good followers of pastor Sunday and to look good in his eyes, I can tell you sooner our latter there will come something up... and the same think will happen to you....nobody will be on your side and your will be the bad guy... that why be always for the truth and not afraid of Man.... don’t trust in Man but in God. Not to agree does not mean to be a enemy. No your friend is who can tell you the truth, cannot agree with you, but will still love you.... this is what I fill for P. Sunday and the Embassy of God.
Blessings in Christ, Violetta
Taras Mekeda
2010-04-11 02:22:37
Pastor Sunday, I would never in my life thought that I have to write you this letter. I've always loved you, was looking up to you, you were always my hero and God is my witness... The tragedy is that what ever you spoke to me in Copenhagen in 2005 at the conference where I gave my testimony has all came to pass. It was very accurate and very prophetic !!! it's being manifested now in the powerful way !!! it one more time proves that God spoke through you !!! I said "tragedy" because I can't share it with you with joy anymore. From the Bible we know that Peter was speaking words from God, himself and satan... I beleive it wasn't exactly from God when you spoke 15 years ago that God told you not to study in the Biblical institutions, but you will learn everything on your own through the practical ministry... It was a sad statement... Until this very moment I thought you are a victim of the situation, but the opposite is true. The reason I never wrote you on this matter because, i don't just believe people what they say about others. But I want to remind you that you told me that God's Embassy is a church of freedom, but the opposite is true. In the sermon you preached at 16th Aniversary you said that those who left are cut off unhealthy branches and slaves !!!! You understand that you did contradict what you told me !!! Pastor Sunday you abused the Word of God, John 8:35 you used to manipulate people and to diminish those who left the church. You know it was talking about THE SON, not sons of your house !!! You did compromise the Word of God and the truth of the Gospel in many ways !!! by preaching manipulative sermons that those who are not obedient to pastor can be under curse and etc. you know better...
Feel sorry that can't share the love of spiritual son and spiritual father anymore... It is very sad... Today I understand that Dziuba Vova( I forgave him and love him as Jesus commanded ) and rest is your byproduct and you know that. You taught us that the fruit is known by its tree... Here is the TRUTH !!! - just let you know that I wrote some truth about you, not what I heard from others, but what I heard from you and I won't hold in peace. Why, to help others to be free from the "slavery of man" and religion of God's Embassy and show support to those who stood up for the TRUTH !!!
with great grief, Taras Mekeda
2010-04-13 16:27:12
Тарас, ты так стараешься вид умный создать - типа кто-то из заграницы важные вещи пишет))))) наверное пастор какой-то великий, прежде обличавший и вразумлявший Сандея))))
Кстати, тут одно объявление нашел...
Должность: Курсы Английского
Образование: среднее
Имя: Taras
Фамилия: Mekeda
Страна, регион: Украина, - /согласен на смену жительства/
Заработная плата: open
Возрост: 31
Телефон: +38 044 331 14 93
email: mekedataras[at]
Языки: английский(SRW)
`New Level` English school
Курсы Английского - группы : детские и взрослые,
не дорого, летние скидки!!
Уже сменил место жительства? И язык забыл? :))))
Расслабься, здесь все русскоязычные. На эту помойку ходят 5 одних и тех же читателей, и, все из них знают приемлемо русский язык. Говори по-нашему, ладно? :)
И еще.. :)) ты такой крутой - миссионером в Африку собрался ехать? :) Чтоб там что-то кому-то про Иисуса рассказать?
В общем, дорогой, расслабься ))))
Mekeda Taras, Canada
2010-04-13 16:29:26
Dlia togo kto mne pitalsia chto to tam viakat i ne podpisalsia, konechno je naverno posol'skiy, boishsia svoe imia pisat'... ssish !!!!!!
vo pervih spasibo za reklamu moih kursov angliskogo ia tebe ne skaju, potomuchto oni uje ne rabotaiut... Vo vtorih chitat' nujno chto smeniu mesto jitel'stva !!! Tak ia uje davno smenil !!! A v tretih eslib ia tebia vstretil v tiur'me gde ia sidel paru raz do tako kak stat' poklonnikom Isusa a ne cheloveka... ia bi tebia nauchil maneram !!!